Bind(Internal DNS)

Authoritative DNS Server

1. Packages install
sudo apt install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc
2. Check installed version
named -v
3. Edit /etc/bind/named.conf.options, setting up an authoritative DNS server
        // hide version number from clients for security reasons.
        version "not currently available";

        // disable recursion on authoritative DNS server.
        recursion no;

        // enable the query log
        querylog yes;

        // disallow zone transfer
        allow-transfer { none; };
4. check the configuration and restart service
sudo named-checkconf
sudo systemctl restart bind9

Local DNS Resolver

1. Packages install
sudo apt install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc bind9-host dnsutils -y
2. Check installed version
$ named -v
BIND 9.16.1-Ubuntu (Stable Release) <id:d497c32>
3. Edit /etc/bind/named.conf.options, enable recursion service
        // hide version number from clients for security reasons.
        version "not currently available";

        // optional - BIND default behavior is recursion
        recursion yes;

        // provide recursion service to trusted clients only
        allow-recursion {;;; };

        // enable the query log
        querylog yes;
4. check the configuration and restart service
sudo named-checkconf
sudo systemctl restart bind9

results matching ""

    No results matching ""