Business Competencies


Aligning a Differentiated Solution

How well does your proposed solution aligned with customer’s desired outcome, providing multiple areas of high business value to the customer?

Building Credibility with Decision Makers

How confident are you that you’ve gained credibility and trust with your customer


How effective are you at prioritizing and summarizing the key points, ideas and areas of impact to the customer decision maker?


How confident are you in facilitating discovery sessions, PoC, DevOps (etc) to drive specific outcome?

Focused Business Conversation

How confident are you with directing a business-oriented conversation with a customer?

Identifying Business Impact

How effective are you in linking XXOO Solution to a measurable benefit (3 Wise Men)?

Mapping Business Need to Value Proposition

How confident are you in articulating the XXOO Value Proposition to the customer’s business challenge

Questioning and Reversing Conversation

How effective are you in using questioning and reversing techniques to understand the customer’s business challenges

Software/Solution Demonstration

How effective are you in demonstrating XXOO technologies/solutions to customer’s business challenges

Persuading Copartner


Exhibiting empathy

站在别人的角度考虑问题(should able to see something from someone else’s perspective and understanding their feelings). THE ACTION YOU TAKE BY LOOKING AT IT FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE IS WHAT EMPATHY IS ALL ABOUT.

Being conscious of your tone

Never raise your tone

Acknowledging the person

Ack the person in right time within right pace

Developing trust

为人谋而不忠乎? 与朋友交而不信乎? 传不习乎?

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