

1. 下载

2. 解压完成安装
$ tar -xvf Postman-linux-x64-6.7.2.tar.gz
3. 运行
$ cd Postman/
$ ./Postman

postman sample.png

Fuse on Karaf

1. 下载

打开 https://developers.redhat.com/products/fuse/download/ 链接,点击红色 DOWNLOAD 按钮开始下载,

fuse download.png

2. 解压完成安装
$ unzip fuse-karaf-7.2.0.fuse-720035-redhat-00001.zip
3. 编辑 etc/users.properties,配置用户名/密码
$ cd fuse-karaf-7.2.0.fuse-720035-redhat-00001/
$ vim etc/users.properties
admin = admin,_g_:admingroup
_g_\:admingroup = group,admin,manager,viewer,systembundles,ssh

Developer Studio

1. 下载

打开 https://developers.redhat.com/products/devstudio/download/ 链接,点击红色 DOWNLOAD 按钮开始下载,

jbds download.png

2. 下载完成后会定向到如下页面,根据页面步骤完成安装

jbds setup.png

3. 在第 6 步选择 Red Hat Fuse Tooling 后点击 Next

jbds tools.png

JBoss Fuse 6.3


类型 安装包 组件 依赖

JBoss Fuse on Karaf


  • Apache Camel

  • SwitchYard

  • Apache CXF

  • Apache ActiveMQ

  • Integration Pack

  • JON Pack

JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP


  • Apache Camel

  • SwitchYard

  • BPEL/Riftsaw

  • Integration Pack

  • JON Pack

JBoss EAP 6.4

Fuse on Apache Karaf

JBoss Fuse 6.3 Install
$ unzip jboss-fuse-karaf-6.3.0.redhat-187.zip && cd jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187
Edit etc/users.properties, comment out
admin=admin,admin,manager,viewer,Monitor, Operator, Maintainer, Deployer, Auditor, Administrator, SuperUser
Start JBoss Fuse
Edit etc/system.properties, change the AMQ default bind host
activemq.host =

Login into http://localhost:8181/ with admin/admin for JBoss Fuse Management and runting monitor.

安装常见 Feature

features:install camel-sql
features:install camel-jackson
features:install camel-http
features:install camel-jsonpath
features:install camel-jetty
features:install camel-xmljson

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