Understanding Teiid Metadata

What is Teiid Metadata

Teiid Metadata like other database(mysql, oracle) metadata, like below figure,

Teiid Metadata

From functional categories teiid metadata contain

  • Schemas - The Schema contain tables, procedures, functions; the Table contain primary key, foreign key, unique key, columns, etc; The Procedure contain Procedure parameter; the Function contain function parameter.
  • Datatypes - types.dat are used to define teiid datatypes

From scope/administation categories teiid metadata contain

SQL examples for Teiid Metadata Administration

Get all Schemas of a specific VDB

SELECT Name FROM SYS.Schemas WHERE VDBName = 'Portfolio'

Get all Tables of a specific VDB and Schema

SELECT Name FROM SYS.Tables WHERE SchemaName = 'Accounts' AND VDBName = 'Portfolio'

Get all teiid supported datatypes

SELECT TypeName, JavaClass, RuntimeType FROM SYS.DataTypes

SystemMetadata loading in VDBRepository startup

In Teiid, every VDB reference a VDBRepository, once VDBRepository startup, it will load System Metadata, SystemMetadata is the API to operate with SystemMetadata:


The System Metadata defined in types.dat, SYS.sql, SYSADMIN.sql, the loading order like:

  1. types.dat - define all supported datatypes
  2. SYS.sql - Contain System Tables: Columns, DataTypes, KeyColumns, Keys, ProcedureParams, Procedures, FunctionParams, Functions, Properties, ReferenceKeyColumns, Schemas, Tables, VirtualDatabases; System Procedures: getXMLSchemas, ARRAYITERATE; System Views: spatial_ref_sys, GEOMETRY_COLUMNS
  3. SYSADMIN.sql - Contain Tables: Usage, MatViews, VDBResources, Triggers, Views, StoredProcedures; Procedures: isLoggable, logMsg, refreshMatView, refreshMatViewRow, refreshMatViewRows, setColumnStats, setProperty, setTableStats, matViewStatus, loadMatView, updateMatView

Metadata operations in VDB deploying

There are 3 phases of Metadata operations in VDB deploying:

  1. Assign Metadata Repositories
  2. Metadata loading
  3. VDB finish deploy

Assign Metadata Repositories

Assign Metadata Repositories means assign a MetadataRepository to each Model which contained in a VDB definition. Assuming a VDB contain 4 Models and the processing of assign Metadata Repositories likes

Assign Metadata Repositories

As above figure, the VDB contain 4 Models:

  1. MarketData - define a source point to a csv file, which assigned a ChainingMetadataRepository contain a NativeMetadataRepository and a DirectQueryMetadataRepository
  2. Accounts - define a source point to a RDBMS, which assigned a ChainingMetadataRepository contain a NativeMetadataRepository and a DirectQueryMetadataRepository
  3. Stocks - is a virtual model, contains a DDL text metadata, which assigned a ChainingMetadataRepository contain a MetadataRepositoryWrapper and a MaterializationMetadataRepository, a MetadataRepositoryWrapper contain a DDLMetadataRepository and DDL Text String
  4. StocksMatModel - is a virtual model, contains a DDL text metadata, which assigned a ChainingMetadataRepository contain a MetadataRepositoryWrapper and a MaterializationMetadataRepository, a MetadataRepositoryWrapper contain a DDLMetadataRepository and DDL Text String

All ChainingMetadataRepository, NativeMetadataRepository, DirectQueryMetadataRepository, MetadataRepositoryWrapper, DDLMetadataRepository and MaterializationMetadataRepository are sub-class of MetadataRepository, more details refer to UML diagram.

Metadata loading

Once Assign Metadata Repositories finished, each Model has reference a MetadataRepository, each of them’s loadMetadata() methods be invoked iteratively, continue the VDB in Assign Metadata Repositories, the following is the 4 models load metadata sequence diagram:

MarketData Load Metadata

MarketData Load Metadata

Accounts Load Metadata

Accounts Load Metadata

  • Before loading metadada, a MetadataFactory, ExecutionFactory(only for Source Model) and ConnectionFactory(only for Source Model) be created, passed as the parameters of ChainingMetadataRepository’s loadMetadata() method.
  • Loading metadata, will load all source metadata(tables, columns, primary keys, index info, foreign keys) into MetadataFactory.
  • After load metadata, MetadataFactory’s mergeInto (MetadataStore store) be invoked, MetadataFactory’s metadata be merged into a VDB scope MetadataStore.

Stocks/StocksMatModel Load Metadata

Stocks Load Metadata

  • Before loading metadada, a MetadataFactory be created
  • Loading metadata, in DDLMetadataRepository, MetadataFactory’s parse() invoked, parse the ddl text to Tables and Columns, a example refer to Example.2 MetadataFactory parse ddl text
  • After load metadata, MetadataFactory’s mergeInto (MetadataStore store) be invoked, MetadataFactory’s metadata be merged into a VDB scope MetadataStore.

A MetadataFactory used in each Model’s Metadata loading, MetadataFactory can merge into a global VDB scope MetadataStore, which contains dataTypes, vdbResources, grants and a Schema, related with tables, procedures, functions.

Note that, the result of Metadata loading load all metadata to a VDB scope MetadataStore, metadata in MetadataStore saved by Schema(each Model in VDB reference a Schema).

Once the last Model’s Metadata loading finished, VDBRepository’s finishDeployment() will be invoked, relate below section for more.

VDB finish deploy

As below figure, the VDB finish deploy mainly contains:

  1. init runtime metadata API and attach it to VDB
  2. validate the DDL SQL String which exist in VDB’s virtual model
  3. invoke VDBLifeCycleListener’s finishedDeployment()

VDB finish deploy

Appendix-1: buildTransformationMetaData()

Build runtime metadata API QueryMetadataInterface1’s implementation TransformationMetadata, this interface used by query components in runtime to access metadata. This implementation related with a VDB via VDB attachment:

TransformationMetadata metadata = buildTransformationMetaData(mergedVDB, getVisibilityMap(), mergedStore, getUDF(), systemFunctions, this.additionalStores);
QueryMetadataInterface qmi = metadata;
mergedVDB.addAttchment(QueryMetadataInterface.class, qmi);
mergedVDB.addAttchment(TransformationMetadata.class, metadata);
mergedVDB.addAttchment(MetadataStore.class, mergedStore);

NOTE: TransformationMetadata base on VDB Scope Metadata MetadataStore, both TransformationMetadata and MetadataStore be added as VDB attachment.

Appendix-2: Metadata Validator

Validate all Metadata existed in Global VDB Scope MetadataStore with the following MetadataRule:

  • SourceModelArtifacts - do not allow foreign tables, source functions in view model and vice versa
  • CrossSchemaResolver - resolves the artifacts that are dependent upon objects from other schemas materialization sources, fk and data types, ensures that even if cached metadata is used that we resolve to a single instance
  • ResolveQueryPlans - Resolves metadata query plans to make sure they are accurate
  • MinimalMetadata - At minimum the model must have table/view, procedure or function
  • MatViewPropertiesValidator - Validate the Materrialization Properties

Appendix-3: MaterializationManager

Refer to teiid-mat-view.


This section contain examples to quick understand the Teiid Metadata.

Example.1: Load classpath ddl file

Assuming customer.ddl file under classpath, which define a series of Metadata, this example demonstrates how to load metadata from a classpath file.

VDBMetaData vdb = new VDBMetaData();
Properties p = new Properties();
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser();
Map<String, Datatype> typeMap = SystemMetadata.getInstance().getRuntimeTypeMap();
ModelMetaData mmd = new ModelMetaData();
MetadataFactory factory = new MetadataFactory(vdb.getName(), vdb.getVersion(), "ExampleMode", typeMap, p, null);
parser.parseDDL(factory, loadReader("customer.ddl"));
MetadataStore systemStore = factory.asMetadataStore();
TransformationMetadata tm = new TransformationMetadata(vdb, new CompositeMetadataStore(systemStore), null, new SystemFunctionManager(typeMap).getSystemFunctions(), null);
vdb.addAttchment(QueryMetadataInterface.class, tm);
MetadataValidator validator = new MetadataValidator(typeMap, parser);
ValidatorReport report = validator.validate(vdb, systemStore);
if (report.hasItems()) {
   throw new TeiidRuntimeException(report.getFailureMessage());

Example.2 MetadataFactory parse ddl text

Sample DDL Text File contain dll text, this example will demonstrate how MetadataFactory parse ddl text.

ModelMetaData mmd = new ModelMetaData();
MetadataFactory factory = new MetadataFactory("VDB", "1", datatypes, mmd);
factory.setParser(new QueryParser()); 

factory.parse(new StringReader(ddl));
for (Table t :factory.getSchema().getTables().values()) {
    List<Column> matViewColumns = t.getColumns();
    for(int i = 0 ; i < matViewColumns.size() ; i ++){
        Column c = matViewColumns.get(i);
        System.out.println(c.getName() + ", " + c.getDatatype());
   System.out.println(t.getProperty("{http://www.teiid.org/ext/relational/2012}MATVIEW_STATUS_TABLE", false));

Run code will output:

id, Datatype name=string, basetype name=anySimpleType, runtimeType=string, javaClassName=java.lang.String, ObjectID=mmuuid:bf6c34c0-c442-1e24-9b01-c8207cd53eb7
a, Datatype name=string, basetype name=anySimpleType, runtimeType=string, javaClassName=java.lang.String, ObjectID=mmuuid:bf6c34c0-c442-1e24-9b01-c8207cd53eb7
b, Datatype name=string, basetype name=anySimpleType, runtimeType=string, javaClassName=java.lang.String, ObjectID=mmuuid:bf6c34c0-c442-1e24-9b01-c8207cd53eb7
c, Datatype name=string, basetype name=anySimpleType, runtimeType=string, javaClassName=java.lang.String, ObjectID=mmuuid:bf6c34c0-c442-1e24-9b01-c8207cd53eb7