Algorithm used in tree output

In Linux System, tree command will dump a tree layout output, for example:

├── a
│   └── b
│       └── c
├── d
└── e

This article will look up the Algorithm for forming a tree layout output.

Assume there are 3 l3holder:

  • l3holder_1 - “├──”
  • l3holder_2 - “└──”
  • l3holder_3 - “ “

and 2 l2holder

  • l1holder_1 - “│”
  • l1holder_2 = “ “

Algorithm used for count prefix:

prefix = (index -1) * (l1holder + l3holder_3) +  (l3holder + l1holder_2)

For the first section:

  • index - the deep of tree
  • l1holder - if node have buddy node, l1holder_1 should be use, else l1holder_2 should be use

For the second section:

  • l3holder - if node have buddy node and not the last node to be print, l3holder_1 should be use, else l3holder_2 should be use.

A usage Example

TreeRenderer of CustomizedTools project is a example, use this api can quick dump a tree layout output, below is a code snipets:

TreeNode<String> root = new TreeNode<>(".");
TreeNode<String> a = new TreeNode<>("a");
TreeNode<String> b = new TreeNode<>("b");
TreeNode<String> c = new TreeNode<>("c");
TreeNode<String> d = new TreeNode<>("d");
TreeNode<String> e = new TreeNode<>("e");
new TreeRenderer(root, new TerminalOutputDevice(System.out)).renderer();