Teiid embedded samples Mysql

Teiid Embedded is a light-weight version of Teiid, it contain an easy-to-use JDBC Driver that can embed the Query Engine in any Java application. The Embedded mode supply almost all Teiid features without JEE Container involved, it supply a convenient way for Users who want integrate Teiid with their Application.

This document show how Teiid Embedded use Mysql Database as data source, the architecture as below:



Mysql database be used in this example, note that customer are mysql database name, it contain the customer-schema.sql tables.

For how to import sql file to mysql database, alos database creation please refer to mysql usage commands


A Virtual Database (VDB) is an artifact that defines the logical schema model combining one or more physical data sources to provide easy data integration. In this example, MysqlVDB has Model Product point to Mysql database customer

The completed content of MysqlVDB


Java Application run on JVM, load the MysqlVDB and query via JDBC. The mainly Code Snippets:

	init("translator-mysql", new MySQL5ExecutionFactory());	
	server.deployVDB(new FileInputStream(new File("vdb/mysql-vdb.xml")));	
	conn = server.getDriver().connect("jdbc:teiid:MysqlVDB", null);

Completed Source code