Teiid JDBC Connection Transaction


Teiid provide a JDBC Driver teiid-VERSION-jdbc.jar, it can download from Teiid Downloads. We know that Transaction related methods including:

void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException;
void commit() throws SQLException;
void rollback() throws SQLException;

If set AutoCommit to false, each SQL request execution will relate with Transaction to ensure data integrity. Teiid JDBC Connection expose to Teiid Server side key interface DQP to implement Transaction, the relevant methods including:

ResultsFuture<?> begin() throws XATransactionException;
ResultsFuture<?> commit() throws XATransactionException;
ResultsFuture<?> rollback() throws XATransactionException;

This article will dive into the underlying of Transaction implementation in Teiid.

Transaction begin

Transaction begin

TransactionManager be set to DQPCore when Teiid Server start up, Transaction begin finally trigger TransactionManager’s begin().

Transaction commit

Transaction commit

TransactionManager be set to DQPCore when Teiid Server start up, Transaction commit finally trigger TransactionManager’s commit().

Transaction rollback

Transaction rollback

TransactionManager be set to DQPCore when Teiid Server start up, Transaction rollback finally trigger TransactionManager’s rollback().


Run Teiid Embedded with the following codes will execute Transaction begin and commit:

EmbeddedServer server = new EmbeddedServer();
EmbeddedConfiguration config = new EmbeddedConfiguration();
Connection c = ...
execute(c, "INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(100,'Test')", false);