JavaEE Profiling concepts

This Blog article contains some JavaEE profiling/performance concepts.

CPU time Vs Wall time

  • CPU time (or process time) is the amount of time for which a central processing unit (CPU) was used for processing / executing method code.

  • Wall time (or wall-clock time) is the human perception of the passage of time from the start to the completion of a task.

Wall time can also mean the actual time taken by a computer to complete a task. It is the sum of three terms: CPU time, I/O time, and the communication channel delay (e.g. if data are scattered on multiple machines).

CPU, Core and Processors

如下命令分别用来在 Linux 操作系统下统计物理CPU个数(socket 个数),每个物理CPU 的逻辑核数,以及系统整个cpu线程数。

  • 物理CPU个数:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort | uniq
physical id : 0
physical id : 1


  • 每个物理CPU的逻辑核数:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cores" | uniq
cpu cores   : 6
  • 系统整个cpu线程数:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "processor" | wc -l

假设,物理CPU个数(socket 个数) 为 socket, 每个物理CPU的逻辑核数为 cores, 系统整个cpu线程数(硬件线程数)为 total_hardware_threads, 则我们有如下公式:

total_hardware_threads = socket * cores * 2

每个逻辑核跑了2个cpu线程,上面例子中服务器共有两个物理CPU,即 socket = 2,每个物理CPU的逻辑核数为6,即 cores = 6,所以,上面的cpu线程数 24 = 2 * 6 * 2

Intel Hardware List

4 cores, 8 processors

2 cores, 4 processors

14 cores, 28 processors

12 cores, 24 processors

12 cores, 24 processors

10 cores, 20 processors

8 cores, 16 processors

6 cores, 12 processors

4 cores, 8 processors